#1. Definitions

The Publisher: The person, natural or legal, who publishes the online public communication services, in this case 
The Site: All sites, Internet pages and online services offered by the Publisher
The User: The natural or legal person using the Site and the services
The Customer : The natural or legal person, acting within the framework of his professional activity, having ordered a service from the Publisher

#2. Preamble

This privacy policy applies to this Site and aims to explain to the Users of the Site

How their personal data is collected and processed. Personal data is any data that can identify a user. This includes in particular the first and last name, age, postal address, e-mail address, the location of the user or his IP address.
Users’ rights regarding this data,
The person responsible for processing the personal data collected and processed,
To whom this data is transmitted,
The site’s policy on “cookies”.

This privacy policy complements the legal notice and the general conditions of use.

#3. Personal data collected and processed in the context of navigation on the Site

3.1 Management of the relationship with our contacts and prospects

When you submit a contact form, we process the following personal data:

First name
E-mail address

The processing of personal data is intended to manage the relationship with our contacts and prospects. In particular, this processing is intended to provide the data subject with information about our structure, products and services.

This processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subject (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). The data request is of a contractual nature. The data subject is not obliged to provide the data. If the data subject does not provide the data or withdraws his/her consent to the data processing, he/she will not be able to receive information about our organisation, products and services.

Retention period: 3 months in the case of a non-contractual relationship. 3 years from the end of the contractual relationship.

3.2 Customer relationship management

When you submit an order form, we process the following personal data:

First name
E-mail address

The processing of personal data is intended to manage the relationship with our customers. In particular, this processing is intended to carry out pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the person concerned, to carry out the contract to which the person concerned is a party, to comply with our legal, fiscal and accounting obligations.

Conservation period: 3 months in the case of a non-contractual relationship. 3 years from the end of the contractual relationship.

3.3. Use of Google Analytics

Google processes the data mentioned in its privacy policy: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=fr / https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=fr#infocollect. This data includes in particular the IP address of the devices used to consult the website.

This processing is used for the purpose of analysis and statistical study of the use of our website.

The processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, which consist in improving and optimising our website for the benefit of users. It is based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. The data request is of a contractual nature. The data subject is not obliged to provide this data and may object to the processing of the data at any time. In order to prevent the collection of data about his/her use of the website and the processing of this data by Google, the data subject must follow the instructions given by Google: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Duration of storage: 13 months, unless prior consent is obtained from the users.

3.4. Marketing and advertising messages (newsletter)

We process the following data:

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We will accompany you and help you to achieve your goals on a daily basis. At BizBack VIP CALL CENTER, we can help you every step of the way. Join our family!

Interested in working with us?

Contact us today!

We will accompany you and help you to achieve your goals on a daily basis. At BizBack VIP CALL CENTER, we can help you every step of the way. Join our family!

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